I am waaaaayyy behind as far as updates go. The truth is, I've never felt so discombobulated in my whole life. But, I have also never felt more blessed. These two little girls that God has given Mitch and I are more precious to me than words can say. So... although the days are long, they are too wonderful to gripe about. We are currently "in transit" ...making our move to Tennessee. I am trying to roll with this whole military move deal. Our household goods have yet to leave South Carolina. But that's simply a minor detail at this point, right? :)
Miss Ivy turned 1 month yesterday. This is where I would normally interject, "where has the time gone?!?!", but I learned quickly with Scarlett that the days pass faster than we can count, so I am trying to take in each precious, newborn moment before they pass us by. So here is a little note for memory's sake...
Ivy Glenn, you are our little angel baby. From the first moment I held you, you have been a joy... Pleasant, easy to satisfy and simply darling -- that is you. You are very vocal, but not in a whiney sort of way. As Scarlett says, you are our little "grunter baby." You are always making noise and it makes us laugh all the time. It also eases my mind because Mommy knows all-is-well when I hear your sweet sounds.
You are an excellent eater and are getting a really good hang on sleeping.
You have the most beautiful blue eyes and yes, your hair stands on end every moment of the day. Sorry sweetie! Mommy has tried to comb it down but it looks like you are destined for BIG hair and mommy is secretly jealous of that :)
And did I mention you have the cutest dimples in your cheeks?
Well, you do and I am in love with them!
There are some moments when I look at you that I think you look just like Scarlett did at this age and then there are times when I think you have your very own look about you. You are beautiful either way and I know you will be stunning inside and out!
Here are some of your sweetest admirers, Nonni and Aunt RyRy.
As for the sweet big sissy... she is up to all kinds of fun things. As of late, she has become the adoring owner of a fish -- Nemo Puff Puff. He is very loved. (please live a long life little fishy!!!)
Scarlett, mommy is so proud of how loving you are to your baby sister and how flexible you have been for mommy over the past month. You are so special to me and will always be my first baby!!!