Saturday, August 4, 2012

See you in SC.

We are all packed up... hence my silence on here lately :)  I cannot believe we are actually moving away! Boohoo, but yahoo for the next adventure ahead. 

Mitch will arrive home in SC on the 10th of August. I covet your prayers over the next couple days... it's going to be a long trip and a lot to unload, but I am so thankful that the Lord promises that He goes before us. See you in South Carolina.... 

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  1. Praying for you all. An adventure it will be! But so true that the Lord is right there with you, how comforting!

    1. I know I'm a little delayed... but I wanted to say thank you for your prayers, Alex!! We have felt them for sure. You know exactly what it is like to move hundreds of miles from home :) But God is so good to us.

  2. Give us some new pics!! Blog entry update in SC please. I miss you all & love you lots & lots xoxoxo to SC

    1. Love you SISSY!!!! Hopefully you are catching the updates now... :)
