Friday, April 9, 2010

Visitors and love for Scarlett...

Love, love, love Aunt Ryan...

Aw, Aunt KT... we have already been to Disney World together and everything!

Two very sweet friends of mommy's: Norah and Miranda

Mallory... you were so excited to see me and I was SO excited to see you (next time, please bring your little sis :) )

Elizabeth... are you going to take me on my first pony ride?

Lyndsey, are you going to teach me to play tennis like you?

I loved Grandma holding me... she knows just how to cuddle me.

I guess since I look so much like Daddy, I look a lot like Grandma too.

Snuggle time.

Oh, Aunt Barbie, we are going to be the best of friends.... I just know it!

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1 comment:

  1. i miss you all & scarlett most of all. hope your first night home as a family goes well
    lots of love - aunt ryry
