Thursday, March 15, 2012


Almost every time Scarlett leaves the room and then returns she comes in and exclaims, "I'm back!" So, in the words of my little SJ... I'm back!

Scarlett and I have had a fun and very BUSY last couple weeks, hints why I have so neglected my blogging... Here is a little recap. 

Last week we headed in town to stay with Nonni and Boo for a couple days while my favorite children's consignment sale was in town. I worked 3 shifts (and had a ball and met some sweet mommas!) and shopped till I dropped and until Mitch's jaw dropped, ha ;)
Some of our fabulous finds included...

A kelty backpack carrier
 and a Radio-Flyer tricycle (yikes, looks a little dangerous. this will be going in the attic until Christmas)

While we were staying at Tara (that's what I call my parents' home), the craziest weather rolled through. Tornadoes on Friday, Snow on Monday and in the 70's on Wednesday. It was quite the whirlwind. It was the perfect opportunity to make Scarlett's 1st snowman... 

My little snow-bunny all bundled up. 
 We could not find gloves just right for her so my mom put a pair of toe socks on her little hands, ha! They actually worked perfectly, I would totally suggest adding them to your child's winter wardrobe ;) 

 Our little snow angel

This video is for her daddy... but I am sure he doesn't mind me sharing. 

Thanks for stopping by to check in on us! 
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