Today is Mitch's birthday. Scarlett loves to sing happy birthday. She has her own rendition, as you can imagine. It always ends with "Happy Birthday to YOooOOUuuuUU!!" It may be her southern drawl coming out full force. I don't know. But it's cute and this week it has all been geared toward her daddy! Everything we do is for Daddy's birthday. She keeps telling me that DeDe and RyRy (my sister and her husband) are going to be at Daddy's party and that Jesus is going to be there. Precious and exciting! It will just be the three of us celebrating (and Jesus, of course).
So much has happened since last year on this day. I wanted to do a little re-cap for you, Mitch.
In the last year...
You worked very hard and finished strong as you graduated from dental school...
You were commissioned into the U.S. Navy...
You left for 6 weeks and SJ and I missed you horribly!!...
We moved across the country, away from everything we have ever known...
You started a new job and looked great while doing so (ha!)...
All through the past year, you have loved Scarlett and I so tenderly. You have provided generously for us. You have pointed us to Jesus through every day situations. You have played and played with our sweet girl.
You have lifted me up so many times. You are, simply put, my very best friend and I love you! Scarlett and I are looking forward to celebrating YOU tonight. We are crazy about YOU. We praise God for YOU!
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. Psalm 145:1-4

So very sweet!