Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fashion show.

Scarlett and I have been spending this week soaking up our last days as just mommy and Scarlett. It's the weirdest thing.... I feel like she is still so very much my baby (and I probably always will!). But yet, I know that when I hold little, newborn Ivy in my arms in just a few days Scarlett is going to look even more like a big girl! Somedays I look at Scarlett's face when I'm tucking her into bed or just reading to her and I think to myself, "she looks exactly like she did the first time I held her in the hospital." 

We had a little impromptu fashion show in Scarlett's room... 

First you must hydrate.  

Then make sure your audience is seated. 

Callie -- seated but clearly uninterested :) 

And voila! The show begins :) 

One thing leads to another... and a tea party ensues! 

I have felt a little down about this "ending" to Scarlett and I's days together. You know, just she and I. However, I know that the beginning of the transition will potentially be a little bumpy and then we will have even sweeter days as Ivy becomes a part of our precious days here at home. I always think to myself and will certainly make it a habit to always tell my girls, there is nothing like a sister ;) 

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1 comment:

  1. You are never too old for a good fashion show. What a cute little model! XO
