Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A dress is the best.

I thought Scarlett looked so cute yesterday in her little play dress. I love finding little cotton dresses like this because they are perfect for just being comfy and playing.

I can remember when I worked full-time (outside the home that is) my favorite thing to wear was a dress. I always felt like it was the easiest kind of outfit because it was just one piece. You did not have to wash or iron 2 different things. That might sound silly but that was my reasoning. I still feel that way, I just don't get dressed up as much!

Eating a pretzel :)

We had kind of a catch-up day at home and then walked at the Arboretum with Aunt Barbie until we were almost caught in a Tornado! We were walking and then all of the sudden the sky turned black and the winds kicked up and we ran to the cars!

Hope you are having a great week!

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