Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekend projects and corralling the kiddos.

We are still working on our backyard and are no where near being finished... So we took a trip to Lowe's yesterday to purchase paint for our shed. Not that exciting. But it is always fun to go out when you can dress up your little girl!

I thought Scar looked so cute in this little outfit. We received it as a gift when she was 4 months so I have been looking forward to the day we could put it on. It is really cute because it has a casual feel and there is a little birdie on the front of the shirt...

I don't know what that expression was for! I was laughing all day because everywhere we went people would say something about her bow. At one point I heard a lady say (with a really country accent), "Hey, look at that big bow on that babies head." And then she laughed. And then I laughed because she did not know I heard her. ha!

We have not painted yet, but just another thing to add to the to-do list.

This morning we worked the nursery at church. Working the nursery always provides much entertainment. We pretty much laughed the entire time! We had 10 total so our hands were full. Next time I need to bring my camera because it is so funny. Scarlett was SO good. She just played and every couple minutes she would try to take someone else's paci. She does LOVE her paci!

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  1. I love reading your Blog.. in case you ever wonder about whether or not you have faithful and consistent readers.

    Scarlett is so adorable. And I love that big bow....

  2. Thank you KES!!!!! You are too sweet and I LOVE to know you are reading! mwah!
