Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Girls' day out!

You know the kind of friends that you can totally be 100% real with? The ones that have walked a lot of life's road with you and have stuck with you through thick and thin? The ones that you swear if you lived next door to them (or even in the same town) your life would be SO much brighter? Well, these are mine.... 
Beth (left) and KT (right) and I am in the middle:) You know Beth from the delicious recipes she has become known for on here and KT is the all time Disney expert! I love these girls to the moon and back! We lived together in college and have almost known each other for 10 years. Wow. Well we got to have a fun little Saturday "day out" this past weekend and it was just lovely. 
We ate at this darling little restaurant a little over an hour from my house. It was halfway for Beth and I, KT made the long haul for us! Anyway, we just talked and talked and laughed and acted silly. The time went by way too fast! Doesn't it always happen that way? :)

There were lots of cute little antique stores and boutiques within walking distance so we strolled around a little after lunch... and tried on hats...

We each found our "signature" head pieces...

And then we went to Target and did some "have to" shopping (i.e. dog food, tissues, snacks, kitty litter for KT, etc.) It was hilarious because we each brought our own lists of things we needed at our houses, but it was still fun because we were together!

I hope you have friends like this. If you don't it is no reflection on you or on God's love for you. He just has not brought them into your life yet. He will put them right in your path at just the right time. Just ask Him! He truly is the giver of good gifts. Amen?

And now I will leave you with this... 
 This is SO Beth. Hippy Beth. Love it! 

P.S. Just in case you were wondering about my sweet little SJ, she spent the day with her Daddy and loved it! Thank you Mitch!! You are the best. 

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  1. I'm crying in laughter...and in thankfulness that we have each other. I LOVE the captions of our hats! Hilarious! Beth, the hippie...It doesn't get more classic than that!

  2. Yes, I also LOVE the captions of our hats!!!! I love this post! hahahaha What fun we have together. I love you girls so much!
